Adding Workflow Goal Conversion Tracking Criteria

Let's talk about tracking workflow goal criteria. There are many things that HubSpot does well out of the box, but customized tracking and reporting on workflow conversion has not been a big focus. Leave it to the Pros, we've figured out a solution. 

4 Easy Steps

While HubSpot does provide some measure of goal tracking in the workflow itself, you cannot customize the reporting or see the records that met or did not meet the goal.

If you are looking for more granular reporting on your workflow goals, follow these steps:

Build Workflow Goal Criteria
  • The first step to reporting on your workflow goals is to set them
  • Your goals should align with the overall strategy, actions, and content within the workflow itself
  • Currently, goals can only be added to contact-based workflows
  • You'll want to create a custom property that datestamps when a contact enters your workflow
  • This property will be used as a filter on your custom report to look at performance based on when a contact entered the workflow
Create and Populate Met Goal Property
  • The other custom property you'll need to create is a "met goal" property
  • This can either be numeric or a yes/no dropdown
  • This property should be populated in two places:
    • The first place is at the end of the main workflow where you are looking to track the goal
    • Make sure to add a delay before the property is set to give the contact enough time to meet the goal
    • If a contact reaches this action, they should be marked as "no" or "0
    • The second place you'll need to set this property is in another workflow
    • The trigger for this workflow should be the contact meeting the goal criteria of the main workflow you are looking to track
    • In this instance, the property should be marked as "yes" or increase the numeric value by 1
Create Reports Using Properties 
  • The final step to workflow goal tracking and reporting is to create the reports that will give you visibility into performance
  • The X-axis of the report should be set as the "met goal" property and the Y-axis of the report should measure the "count of contacts"
  • Use the "date entered" property as a filter to look at performance over a specific period of time

Hope this Pro Trick helps! 


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